Buy High Tier CSGO prime medal accounts:
If you have played CSGO for a long time – you know the hard work behind getting a service medal and the impact these medals have on the account’s trust factor. So, if you are dead serious about having a green trust factor and a quality gaming – high tier cs go medal accounts should be your choice!
Buy CSGO Prime ranked accounts:
Ranked cs go smurf accounts (Prime) come with a minimum of 10 wins with either prime purchased or private rank 21 and account rank which is mentioned on the account page. We have an entire collection of CSGO prime accounts from Silver 1 to Global Elite Prime. CSGO Prime Ranked accounts is the perfect choice for smurfs and people who want to skip the temporary cooldown of 20 hours after every 2 competitive wins which happen until you achieve 10 wins in total and open a rank on your account and also be prime to ensure that you have minimum chance of having cheaters in the game. These accounts already have a rank and you can play without any temporary cooldown after wins. We boost these accounts in a suitable manner to ensure that most of our accounts have a high trust factor which ensures the best in-game experience, fewer cheaters, and a healthy competitive environment!
Specifically for Prime accounts, we ensure to take care of all options which increase the trust factor of the account as mentioned on the page – Click here
One example – you’ll find most of our prime accounts come with a bunch of commends which is one of key things required to improve your trust factor!
Buy CSGO Prime account now!
CS GO Prime Accounts
- CSGO Rank: Legendary Eagle Master (LEM) Prime
- Full Access: Yes
- Hours played: Random
- VAC Status: Clean
- Steam Guard: Disabled
- Region Restrictions: None
- Instant Delivery: Enabled
- Account delivery method: Email
Buy Fresh or private rank 2 prime accounts
Private rank 2 accounts – Best for getting started with CSGO game and smurfing around with newbies. It comes with 0 competitive wins but that also means that the account will have a high trust factor because all the fresh or private rank 2 csgo smurf accounts start with a neutral trust factor. Your competitive activity determines the future of your trust factor and in case you do not want your trust factor to be influenced by a booster then Fresh or private rank 2 accounts should be your choice!
Fresh or Private Rank 2 Accounts
- CSGO Private Rank: 2
- Full Access: Yes
- Hours played: Random
- VAC Status: Clean
- Steam Guard: Disabled
- Region Restrictions: None
- Instant Delivery: Enabled
- Account delivery method: Email
Fresh or Private Rank 2 Accounts
- CSGO Private Rank: 1
- Full Access: Yes
- Hours played: 0
- VAC Status: Clean
- Steam Guard: Disabled
- Region Restrictions: None
- Instant Delivery: Enabled
- Account delivery method: Email
Looking for more high-tier accounts?
Please visit our sister website for exploring more high-tier accounts – Click Here
Buy the right CSGO Prime account on Buy CSGO Prime:
BuyCSGOPrime offers all the csgo prime accounts which include all csgo ranked accounts ranging from csgo silver accounts, csgo gold nova accounts, master guardian 1, master guardian 2, master guardian elite, csgo account global elite, csgo 500 hours accounts, and csgo 1000 hours accounts which are faceit ready and compatible along with extra hours. For choosing the right product, you should aim at your requirement.
Rank-wise pick:
If you are planning to have a good time by trolling low rankers then csgo silver accounts should be your choice. Purchasing csgo silver account can result in the much-wanted smurf experience that you are looking for. However, if you are looking to purchase a rank equivalent to your main which might be a gold nova or master guardian I or master guardian II, then csgo gold nova accounts or master guardians should be your choice. Apart from this, if you want to buy a smurf with the same rank as your main and your main rank is Global elite, then you should buy csgo account global elite account.
Benefits of buying a CSGO Smurf or ranked account:
Surprisingly, you have a lot of benefits if you buy csgo smurf accounts with prime enabled. Firstly, smurf prime accounts offer protection from most of the cheaters which are found in non-prime (free-version) since it enables you to queue in prime matchmaking and you’ll only have teammates/opponents who have prime enabled on their accounts. Secondly, CSGO prime accounts are instantly playable which means you can queue for matchmaking right after purchasing and skip the hurdle of reaching private rank 21 or purchasing prime which costs a lot of bucks. Thirdly, it comes in at a cheap price as compared to prime status upgrade.
Cheap prime accounts on Buy CSGO Prime:
Here, at BuyCSGOPrime, you can find cheap csgo prime accounts, csgo ranked accounts (prime), and csgo smurf accounts starting at the cheap price of $18.99 only. Finally, there are a lot of other benefits which include better trust factor, increased chance for a good drop – (Players with Prime Status are eligible to receive Prime-exclusive souvenir items, item drops, and weapon cases), better match-making experience, can participate in ranked matches, earn XP to rank up the private rank, etc which come with csgo prime accounts.
Trust factor – Impact of prime accounts and other factors:
We, at BuyCSGOPrime only deal in prime accounts (may it be unranked or csgo ranked prime accounts) for several reasons. The most important one out of them is to enhance your matchmaking experience. Prime status plays a crucial role in boosting the account’s trust factor however there are a lot of other factors which play an important role in setting the trust factor of the account such as Prime account which gets a lot of reports, frequently lobbying/queuing with players who are having low trust factor, playing from a restricted account which has not added 5$ (minimum spend to make account unrestricted), etc.
Why choose Counter-Strike Global Offensive or CSGO Accounts
Counter-strike Global Offensive is a game that offers a lot of things that other games didn’t have. The competitive game mode, the skill required, and just the game design, in general, was exactly the thing the gamers were looking for and it was nowhere to be found in any other game. In other FPS games, mostly have deathmatch modes and modes similar to this. All of these are just players playing for a set time, score, or until an objective is reached while constantly respawning. This gets extremely boring really fast. You are constantly just running around the map killing people before they see you, or the opposite, getting killed from behind. In CSGO, you have something new and more fun: 5v5 competitive. In this, people don’t respawn after they die until the round is over. This allows for much more strategic play and more individual skills. Though there are games that are now trying to copy the concept however they have not been able to take replace Counter Strike Global Offensive in terms of popularity by gamers.
Read this update before you buy csgo smurf or csgo prime account:
After the recent update, non-prime CSGO account can no longer earn XP, get ranked or get ingame drops. That means, non prime accounts can no longer reach private rank 21 by boosting the private rank and convert to prime. If you are not familiar, earlier, non-prime CSGO accounts could be converted to prime by boosting the private rank of that account to level 21 which enabled the Prime status on the account. However, since that is no longer valid, the only option to convert any account to prime is by purchasing prime status update on that account. That’s the reason why the price of accounts have increased for all the prime accounts and it is expected to increase more going forward!
Instant delivery across all accounts
All the accounts available on our store are instantly delivered to your email address or else the details can always be viewed from the “My account > Order section” upon payment confirmation. For more details, please check the page – “Locate my order” and enjoy the instant delivery of the accounts.